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Showing posts from May, 2012
If you haven't checked out QualiaSoup on YouTube, you should. He has many great videos - and many rank among the best for certain topics. This video is about open-mindedness - what it is and what it isn't.
Another example of how society tries its hardest to squeeze compassion out of people at every opportunity. The good suffer and the evil thrive. Oh... If I were dictator of the world... Teen Punished By School After Reporting Student Bullying Of Special Needs Girl
Please check out this under-viewed video for the most epic poem you will ever hear. This is perhaps the best, most well-rounded video on the evils contained in the Bible that I've ever seen. If you ever need to remember some specific instance that goes on in the Bible, this should be favorited/bookmarked as your go-to source. If I don't see its number of views pick up, I might share it again in the future. It's that good!
The 1980s Musical Revolution Fascinating 90-minute documentary about the synth(pop) revolution of the 1980s. I am a hater of the 1970s and a lover of the 1980s.  I see the (mid) 1970s as the time when old Western culture had completely died in every single area, and there was nothing to replace it.  While people overall were richer than early in the 20th century, I feel that Western culture reached a low in the 1970s.  Sure, there was war and genocide in the 1940s, and I'm not saying that the 1970s was more violent, but at least in the 1940s, there appeared something to fight against, and hope at the end of the tunnel.  The 1970s had none of that. You never know when you have reached a cultural low until that trend reverses.  In hindsight, the only good thing about reaching a low point in your culture is that things will get better in the future.  And I believe that the 1980s was the beginning of a mini-Renaissance that continues to this day in man...
Welcome to the Odracirys Blog I am Odracirys.  I originally started a Google+ page ( here ). However, I also wanted to create this blog for a few reasons.  First of all, although I don't expect nearly as many people to visit here as my Google+ page, a few people might prefer reading blogs.  Also, perhaps I can make friends with other bloggers through this page. I don't expect to add posts to this blog that are not also at my Google+ page.  I expect my Google+ page to have all of the content from this blog, and then some.  In fact, I will reshare and write shorter posts on my Google+ page, so if you only want to read my longer and more involved posts which come much less frequently, you might want to stay here. Although my Odracirys Mediys Google+ page is quite new, I have already made some predictions that came true.  In particular, I called the bottom of the silver fall at around $26-27 per troy ounce (or per ETF share on SLV, which is p...
My long-term goal is to make the world a better place. My short-term goal is to slow the world's rate of decay. I love rationality and compassion, and that's what I fight for.  Yet those who eschew compassion should not expect to get it. My interests are varied, but if I were to make a list of some, they would be atheism, traditional art and architecture, non-pretentious photography, peak oil, economics, environmentalism, and animal rights.  If you are wondering where human rights come in, note that humans are animals. I didn't grow up an atheist or a vegetarian.  I just got proven wrong.  And when that happens, you can either give in to logic or lie to yourself.  I chose the former.  Nobody grows up with all the answers.  We all make mistakes.  What separates the strong from the weak is the ability to accept that you were wrong and start to do what's right. With this page, I want to make a difference, even if it's small.  If for ev...