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Showing posts from June, 2014

In Defense of...Cecil Rhodes?!

You all know Cecil Rhodes, right?  He was a British Imperialist (living from 1853-1902) who founded the De Beers diamond mining and trading company.  Just this morning, I came upon a post comparing him to Adolf Hitler, and claiming that Cecil Rhodes killed at least 60 million Africans.  It has been shared 99 times.  Here is the post: Unlike many, I decided to do some research on it.  That is my nature.  I don't accept things without evidence given, and even when no evidence is provided, I search for evidence.  If after looking, no evidence is forthcoming, then I discount the claim unless compelling evidence does surface.  After my research on this topic (taking up about an hour of my day and 28 open tabs on my browser...but still an enjoyable time because this is what I like to do), I found that my initial skepticism was well justified and that this comparison is incorrect.  Adolph H...

Propaganda in the West

We take it for granted that the media can't be trusted in countries which are not "free".  However, there is no doubt that what we read in so-called "free" countries is also heavily biased, and has an agenda.  I'm not just talking about the most blatant sources such as Fox News.  I'm talking about nearly everything. Each news outlet has an agenda.  They pick sides.  It is often great to pick sides.  For example, supporting the fact that humans are changing the earth's climate is what news outlets should be doing because all of the evidence points to that.  When problems arise is when news outlets pick a side and then go with it, no matter the countervailing evidence.  Some of it might be related to pleasing the "free" governments that look over them, and some of it might be due to one of the most destructive beliefs ever - that good always battles bad (and thus, "bad" and "bad" or "bad" and "worse"...