This might come a little late, and it may be controversial (which isn't new for me), but I wanted to mention how I try to treat everyone the same in similar circumstances. When police officers kill or otherwise hurt or harass people who did nothing wrong (or perhaps did something very minor), then I take issue and want them prosecuted to the full extent of the law. However, when people commit crimes and then resist arrest, especially in a dangerous fashion, then I do not shed a tear when they are shot and killed. Such is the case with both Michael Brown (of Ferguson, who committed robbery and later wrestled with a cop for his gun, and after the gun went off and he fled, he again confronted the officer) and LaVoy Finicum (who illegally took over public property, said he would rather die then go to jail - that worked out for him! - and pretended to surrender to officers only to reach for his gun). When I see an outpouring of support for people like these, I wonder if the popul...