It is really strange. When I joined Google+, I thought I would be writing about liberal ideas. Now, for those skimming through my posts, they might mistake me for a far-right conservative. I haven't changed that much, but I have been getting more and more fed up with what a very large percentage of "liberals" appear to be in this day and age. This group is often referred to as "Social Justice Warriors" (SJWs) and "regressive leftists". They are a group who will fight for almost any group that is a minority in the West (no matter if the group is conservative to the point of fascism). About the only minorities they won't fight for (and actively harass) are the minorities within the minorities...such as black conservatives (= Uncle Toms), Middle Eastern critics of Islam, etc. The SJWs are an extremely hypocritical bunch, and while far-right conservatives definitely represent a grave threat, this brand of liberal is no less dangerous, as they...