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Fake Yet Familiar Debate About Racism

This is a fake debate.  There is a "journalist" (J) to introduce the topic and moderate the debate.  The two debaters are a "racist" (R) and an "aracist" (A).  I will capitalize these words to refer to these people by name.  (For example, the racist's name is "Racist".)

J: Thank you for tuning in.  Today, we are having a discussion with a racist and an aracist.  This period since the most recent string of attacks by white supremacists has seen increased anti-white-supremacist sentiments spread across the country.  Racist is here to explain the threat of bigotry towards white supremacists and set the record straight about what they truly believe.  Aracist is a controversial figure who has often been called a bigot because of his anti-racist comments.  Here, he will explain why he believes his view is justified.  So, let me start with you, Racist.  Some people have said that the recent attacks by white supremacists were somehow caused by racism.  What do you say to that?

R: Those attacks had nothing to do with racism.

J: I understand that, but you realize that when other people see murderers who happen to be white supremacists shouting "Death to non-whites!", people will often see racism as having something to do with that.

R: It is a common and dangerous misconception that white supremacists are violent.  White supremacists are fathers, mothers, sisters, and brothers.  They are your classmates.  They are your coworkers.  There are millions of racists in the United States and across the world.  Yet whenever any single incident is caused by someone claiming to be a white supremacist, all white supremacists get blamed, and that is unfair.

J: That sounds perfectly reasonable.  Yet people like Aracist seem to blame all racists for the crimes of a few unstable individuals.  Aracist, can you explain why you seem to hate racists?

A: Let me first get one thing straight.  I don't hate racists.  I hate their ideology.  There have been numerous instances of racists who became aracists.  Racism is not something that is set in stone.  I'm just trying to show people how stupid racism is so they can start thinking and caring and give up their prejudiced beliefs.

J: Racist, feel free to reply.  I will let you two debate further.

R: OK.  See, you are already starting your bigotry against racists.  You think that we are all stupid.  I'll have you know that many scholars throughout history have been racists.

A: That might be true, but as I have said, my problem is not with the people so much as the ideology.  Racists are brainwashed, and I'm just trying to deprogram them.  I'm sure that there are good white supremacists out there, but it is the white supremacist ideology and other forms of racism that I am against.

R: I don't know what you have a problem with.  White supremacy is a beautiful ideology.  Racism is love.

A: You don't get to make up definitions.  Racism is racism, and the tenets of racism have nothing to do with love.

R: What I always wonder is why are aracists so strident?  If you don't even believe in white supremacy, why do you talk about it so much?

A: I am strident.  I am a New Aracist.  I'm not the kind of aracist that just sits down and doesn't say a word when faced with racism.  Sorry.  I'm just not going to let you get away with spouting nonsense.  Why do I talk about racism so much?  It's because racism has caused and continues to cause needless conflict and hatred.  It is because radical racists use the tenets of racism while committing heinous acts.  Racism is a virus.

R: You seem all high and mighty, but your lack of racism is more dangerous than racism could ever be.  I mean, if you don't believe in white supremacy, what's keeping you from killing white people for fun?  After all, they're not better than anyone else.

A: I don't kill white people for fun because I don't want to.  I have a conscience.  And I don't merely avoid killing people because I think they are superior to others.  By the way, "white supremacists" are not a "race".  Not every white person is a white supremacist, and those white people who are can change their minds.

R: You often talk about white supremacists.  Why do you only pick on white supremacists?  Why do you let other racists off the hook?  I've never heard you disparage East Asian supremacists.

A: First of all, if you think I only pick on white supremacists, you haven't been following me closely.  I've spoken a lot against black supremacists and others.  But I believe that white supremacists, at least in this period of time, represent a greater threat to the world than even the other despicable racisms.  That's why I talk about it so much.  For example, when was the last time an East Asian person killed a white person for being white?  You'd have to go back pretty far.  When was the last time a white supremacist killed a non-white person?  It happens far more frequently.  But don't get me wrong, I think that all racisms are illogical and contemptible.

R: Look at your bigotry!  You're calling the ideology of millions of people illogical and contemptible.  Don't you hear how arrogant you sound?

A: I'm only responding to your arrogance.  But you don't see the extreme arrogance within your own ideology.  Let me ask you this, and try to give a straight "yes" or "no" answer.  I keep asking white supremacists, and they keep trying to dodge this question.  So here is the question.  Do you think that non-whites deserve subjugation and even death?

R: White supremacy is love.  I have already told you that.

A: You haven't answered my question.  I asked you if non-whites deserve subjugation and/or death.  What is your answer?

R: It's not up to me.

A: I didn't ask what you would do if you were in charge, or even say that you would be in charge.  I was asking YOUR OPINION on it.  In other words, if someone subjugated or killed non-whites, would you be against it.

R: But they wouldn't, so it's a moot point.

A: You already know examples to the contrary.  So you are lying.  But you still haven't answered the question.  What is YOUR opinion about it?  Do non-whites deserve to be subjugated or killed.

R: Why do you think that we are all radicals?  I have non-white friends.  So you are the bigot!

A: If you have non-white friends, it is because you are not strong in your ideology, not because the ideology itself is good.  You just won't answer the question.  It's funny.  Racists never do, because they don't want to reveal their true thoughts to the rest of society, which would help them to learn how hateful your ideology truly is!

R: You say that I'm hateful, but you have shown your bigotry towards us!  I guess I just don't have enough bigotry to believe that every race is superior.

A: That doesn't even make sense.  You don't need bigotry to believe that every race is superior, because that would just make them equal.  Also, your ideology is based around bigotry, so now you use that word as an attack against me.  So what is it?  Is bigotry good or bad?

R: You obviously think it's bad.

A: Yes, but you are using it as an insult against me when your own ideology says that bigotry is good.  Don't you find that ironic?

J: Sorry to stop you, but we have come to the end of our show.  Let me just allow Racist to get the last word.

R: Thank you for allowing me to set the record straight about white supremacists.  Let's not allow the actions of a few fringe so-called racists color our perception of the millions of peaceful racists living among us.

J: Well that's something I think we can all agree with.  Thank you both for being here.  And good night to everybody at home.


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