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Showing posts from June, 2017

Pick Only The Side Of Reason

You've probably already heard about the shooting of Republicans at a baseball game.  I still haven't really looked into it much, but I decided to post this just to say that I saw this coming.  When I heard that a congressman had been shot, I asked, "Was it a Republican?"  Sure enough, it was. In 2009 and thereabouts, things would have been different.  I would have expected the victim to be a Democrat.  Sure enough, Gabrielle Giffords was shot.  That was a time when certain Republicans in the base were calling Obama the "Antichrist".  Now is a different time, with leftists seething with more hatred than I've ever seen, even from right-wingers.  While Obama was the "Antichrist", Trump is "Neo-Hitler".  Although I've been disappointed with both the Antichrist and Neo-Hitler, I'm still not ashamed that I voted for them over their rivals, who were truly elitist ...