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Showing posts from 2018

The North Sentinelese Need Even More Border Security

I recently read the following article: American missionary slain by volley of arrows from ‘world’s most dangerous tribe’ Thank goodness this man is dead!  I always fear hearing about North Sentinel Island.  I do not want this island to be on any map.  It is a global treasure.  Its tribe is the LEAST-CONTACTED TRIBE IN THE WORLD.  It is home to people who have not EVER had contact with any outsiders.  We do not know their language.  We know nothing about their culture, aside from their desire for border security.  When the Indian Ocean Tsunami occurred, a helicopter was sent to the island, and got pelted with arrows.  These are pretty much the last people on the Earth living in the stone age.  They do not need "modernity".  And they certainly don't need "Iron Age" Jesus.  The North Sentinelese are independent.  They have never recognized any na...

European Court Won't Tolerate the Truth as Free Speech

Forget Orwell's 1984.  This reads like it's out of the Inquisition of Galileo, which, I might remind you, took place in the early 1600s.  It is likely that today's Europe is was more tolerant of free speech by the year 1700 than it is now.  Below are some quotes from the article, along with some notes from me. "The case concerned an Austrian who held two seminars on Islam. She discussed an alleged marriage between the Prophet Muhammad and a 6-year-old girl, and commented, 'What do we call it, if it is not paedophilia?'" That's a good question.  But that's the question that Europe will not tolerate. "The woman was subsequently convicted for disparaging religious doctrines and ordered to pay a fine. The case then proceeded to appeal.  The European Court of Human Rights affirms the conviction." "While nodding t...

UK Refuses Asylum for Asia Bibi, an ACTUAL Asylum-Seeker

U.K. refuses asylum for Asia Bibi, fearing Muslim 'unrest'  (Via +Fidem Turbāre on Google+) ___________________________ Just in case you thought that the so-called "progressive" overlords of the Western world had any interest in helping actual "refugees" and "asylum seekers", here is all the proof you need to know that that is not the case. Asia Bibi was jailed in Pakistan for the high crime of being a Christian (also known as "blasphemy"), and sentenced to death by hanging.  She has spent time in jail since at least 2010, but the Supreme Court overturned the case, and she should be released after the verdict is reviewed during "a process that can take years"... Murderous Muslims have decided to take the "law" into their own hand, by killing her soon after she is finally released, so she appealed for asyl...

How to Keep the 14th Amendment while Clamping Down on Illegal Immigration

If I were starting things over from scratch, I might add a revised 14th Amendment which, among other things, says that those born in the USA under US jurisdiction are automatically American citizens. However, it is extremely dangerous to try to go back and change amendments that give more rights to people (rather than removing ones like Prohibition). And executive orders certainly cannot nullify Amendments, and if that were possible, things would be really scary. With that said, many people have taken advantage of the 14th Amendment to do things that are not okay. My solution to this problem while keeping the 14th Amendment intact is the following: Any child born in the United States to two illegal aliens is a citizen of the United States. However, both of this child's parents must be deported back to their countries of origin. At that time, they will have the choice of taking their child or putting it up for adoption. The child can legally return at any time, but the illegal...

Migrant Caravan Continues for U.S. Border After Rejecting Mexico's Offer to Stay You can see multiple flags PROUDLY flying in the image from the article in this link.  Conspicuously absent is the American flag.  People from the "caravan" are only flying flags from the "despotic, awful, UN-LIVABLE" countries that they are "fleeing" from. Now, Mexico has offered them "shelter, medical attention, schooling and jobs" under the "You Are Home" program if they simply stay in Mexico.  However, the vast majority laughed at the deal, preferring to pick and choose which country to settle in.  It's kind of like those Syrian refugees who get to safety in Turkey...and then go through Greece, Macedonia, Serbia, Croatia, Slovenia, and Austria before reaching Germany.  I guess those other 7 countries still had them fearing for their lives...  Remember "The Jungle" in Calais, France?  Those were "refugees" fleeing France to enter England.  We...

Get Out (of) The Vote! - A plague on both your houses!

Doing research before voting in the midterm elections makes me wish for enlightened despotism instead of this circus that is called "democracy" but consists of the powerful using the ignorant to their advantage, while trying their best to keep what they actually do under wraps. Take a look at the following act, which was passed: "HR 2083 - Endangered Salmon and Fisheries Predation Prevention Act".  Before you continue reading, stop for a second and ask yourself what you think this act is about.  Are you surprised that something that supposedly "helps" "endangered salmon" got passed? In fact, the "Endangered Salmon and Fisheries Predation Prevention Act" is an act that authorizes the hunting of sea lions.  Betcha didn't see that coming.  Passed soon after that was "HR 200 - Strengthening Fishing Communities and Increasing Flexibility in Fisheries Management Act".  As you might guess, this act "increases catch limit...

Selective Freedom of Speech

A vegan gets a 7-month suspended prison sentence for posting on social media that she is glad that a butcher got killed.  I was surprised and saddened to see people I know supporting this decision.   Note that she did not call for violence.  She simply voiced her opinion after the fact. Freedom of speech is dead and "thought-crimes" are taken seriously, and MOST PEOPLE ARE CHEERING.  Well, George Orwell tried to warn us.  His work 1984 got popular enough, but somehow it still failed in much of the "free" (ha!) world.  I still have some hope for the United of the last bastions of free speech written in law, though corporations are doing their part to choke the life out of it on the ground. We now know that people can be banned from the UK or imprisoned in the UK for simply stating facts that run ...

The United Kingdom is a Totalitarian State

PLEASE WATCH THIS.   Please remove any prejudices going in and listen to what is being said.  Listen to this story.  And see what is the United Kingdom is truly like.  China is a free country for those without disruptive opinions.  You can say anything you like in long as the government approves.  What you will learn is that the UK is exactly the same in that respect.  In fact, freedom is much less common than you may think.  You may not feel it now.  But just cross those in power, and you will understand.  This is not to say that there will be problems if you are a returning ISIS fighter who has sex slaves in Syria and murdered civilians.  Obviously, the UK government is not threatened by such things.  It is threatened, however, when you talk about how this may be a problem.  I deeply thank all of those who watch this video, because stories like these touch on some of the most fundamental rights in the world...

Land of the Free?

I may still stand for the national anthem, but I do not believe in it.  The United States is not the "land of the free and the home of the brave".  Neither are most places.  But it is particularly sad for the United States, which claims this.  American are SO SCARED of everything...willing to see freedom be destroyed for any partisan gain.  We know companies like Google ARE "being evil", despite their ironic motto saying differently.  YouTube is positively destroying free speech on its platform.  On the other side of things, President Trump is blaming "violent video games" for gun violence.  Now that's a blast from the past.  Social Justice Warriors and the Religious Right may not like each other, but they have A  LOT in common, namely, they both hate freedom.  It is the horseshoe theory, and unfortunately, in this day and age, most people are bunched up in the areas where they agree: "Freedom Is Overrated". I just saw some list o...

"Common Sense Gun Legislation"

("Trigger Warning" to gun lovers, but at the same time, you may see some nuanced argument if you decide to read further.) Don't get too excited (either positively or negatively) about this post.  When it comes to guns, I don't know all that much.  Also, I am not an expert on current legislation.  What I am simply attempting to do now is come up with ideas of what, to me, "common-sense gun legislation" might be (as it really has no definition at all).  What I will do here is use my own common sense.  This comes not from using guns (as I have never touched a gun, as far as I can remember), but from playing (very poorly, in multiplayer, where I get destroyed) video games.  This would also include at least one or two VR games that I have played, where I have aimed guns in virtual reality with my own hands (although they did not have any weight to them, and their characteristics were based on game physics).  And the question becomes, "If I were playing a ...

I Feel Used!

The Justice Department just indicted 13 Russian nationals who were caught indoctrinating the US public!  This is one of their social media posts/adverts, and I am ashamed to say that I ACTUALLY FELL FOR IT!  Those damn Russkies played me for a fool! When I saw this post, it just spoke to me in a way in which nothing else had.  I had never so clearly linked Hillary Clinton with Satan, and Donald Trump with Jesus before.  This post gave me that false impression, though.  I promptly sold my "I'm with Her" T-shirt and cleansed my body with holy water.  I held my rosary in my hand and begged forgiveness.  Then, I went to the voting booth and voted for Trump.  After all, I could not let Satan win. But now, I learn that it was Russians behind the whole thing!  Now, the evidence that Hillary Clinton was in league with the Prince of Darkness is not as water-tight as I may have believed before.  Now, I realize that I stood for everything that ...

Shithole Countries?

President Trump - again - did something totally offensive and non-presidential. He spoke like a regular person speaks. And that is horrific. But can we all just be honest for a second and acknowledge that there are a lot of "shithole countries" in the world? Or...for the sake of being kind, must we continue to carry on the charade? As for the locations of many of shithole countries, unfortunately, a lot of them are in Africa and the Middle East. I'm sorry you're mad to hear that, but it's true. Go there yourself (but don't drink the water unless you want to get diarrhea or worse). I wish it were not the case, but it is. And that is also the reason why so much migration comes from those countries. Even the people born there and "used to" living there can't stand it. That's why so many leave. Now, where people take a trend and unfairly expand it is thinking that ALL black and Muslim-majority countries are "shithole countries...