Disinformation at an All-Time High with Coverage of "Covington School Kids VS Native American Drummer".
I DARE you to watch this. The disinformation is so off the charts that I just can't take it anymore. I just can't. Soviet state TV might have lied about wheat harvests, but even they cannot have been so devious as most of the "news" media across the Western world right now. It truly is "fake news".
Don't believe me? Watch the clip of the so-called "MAGA kids" and the "Native American drummer", and mentally check each of these things off this list when you hear and see them.
- Black "Israelite" saying, "But you give faggots rights!" and the "MAGA" kids responding "Whoa! Easy, easy!"
- Black "Israelite" saying to the school kids, "We got one nigga in the crowd!...We got two niggas in the crowd!" and the kids going, "Whoa, that's racist!"
- Black "Israelite" saying to a black school kid, "When you get old enough, they gonna steal your organs", and the white "Maga" school kids saying to the black student, "We love you!"
- Black "Israelite" saying to the black school kid, "Get out, nigga! Get out, nigga!"
- Native American drummer APPROACHING the school kids and banging a drum in their faces for minutes on end.
- Other Native American yelling, "White people, go back to Europe where you came from! This is not your land!"
- Black "Israelite" yelling, "Claim the Greeks. Claim the Romans. The Greeks was a bunch of homosexuals, just like the Romans."
- Kid asking, "Are the buses here yet? Where are the buses?" because they have to wait in that spot until the bus arrives.
- Kids yelling ecstatically, "Let's go home! Let's go home! Let's go home!" when the buses arrive and they are allowed to leave.
- Kids assaulting a Native American man minding his own business. (This one, I did not find... Can you?)
In response to the media firestorm about "MAGA hat wearing kids assaulting a Native American", these were some responses by people:
A Disney producer tweeted: "MAGA kids go screaming, hats first, into the wood chipper."
Stormy Daniels, the woman whose only claim to fame is being a slut, tweeted: "I'm suddenly in favor of building a wall...around [their school]. And let's electrify it to keep those disgusting punks from getting loose and creating more vileness in society."
Kevin Allred tweeted: "white people really are terrorists. whiteness is terrorism." (Spoiler alert: He's white.)
Uncle Shoes tweeted: "Lock the kids in the school and burn that bitch to the ground."
Reza Aslan, the Islamic apologist, tweeted: "Honest question. Have you ever seen a more punchable face than this kid's?"
A man named Wheeler Walker Jr. tweeted: "I know I have fans in Paris Hills, KY. If you know this little shit [i.e. the boy who was approached by the Native American guy beating the drum in his face] punch him in the nuts and send me the video of it and I'll send you all of my albums on vinyl, autographed."
A Democratic US Representative from Kentucky, John Yarmuth, tweeted: "I am calling for a total and complete shutdown of teenagers wearing MAGA hats until we can figure out what is going on. They seem to be poisoning young minds."
(Tweets found in the following video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uG5GqMJ4-6E)
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