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I hope this is my last post this year about the migrant crisis. I just wanted to bring up a few points.

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Firstly, I want to focus on behavior.  A lot of liberal people have this false idea that everyone is the same and one family in one part of the world has the same opinions as a family in another part of the world.  However, this is completely false.  There can be people who are similar in otherwise very different nations.  However, these people only make up a small minority.  Most people are positively shackled by their cultures (Westerners, included) and can't break out of that even when they have left their original culture.  Above is a photo of rioting "refugees".  In this single photo, at least two men in this picture are throwing stones, and at least four fires have been started by them (because immigration police spray water or tear gas instead of burning tires).  Throwing stones and rioting is rife in their culture.  Are these people going to immediately turn into good German citizens?  Or will the same radicalism and terrorism that broke their home countries be brought to Germany?  I would wager on the latter, by and large (although no doubt some good citizens will emerge...but that is for an interview and a legal refugee application process to decide).

Secondly, I will bring up the numbers.  Germany, itself, recently reckoned that 800,000 refugees will arrive in Germany this year.

Since many people can't understand numbers more numerous than the fingers on their hand (for example, one million, one billion, and one trillion are the same thing to many people), I will put this year's immigration in terms that are easy to understand.  Germany only has four cities that have over 800,000 people.  Frankfurt, the 5th largest city in Germany, has fewer than 700,000 people, as do all other cities besides Berlin, Hamburg, Munich, and Cologne.  In other words, in one year...this year...Germans can expect a new Frankfurt...completely filled with Middle Easterners, mostly of Islamic faith.  Of course, these people will fan out, but if the refugees from just this year settled in the five largest German cities, they would immediately make up 10% of the population of each city.  That is in one year.  And even though some countries are now closing borders, the German government has still said that it intends to take the migrants...just in a more orderly way.  Remember Europe, your populations don't "reset" every year. Each person you let in now will stay and their lineage will grow both in number and percentage thereafter, even without further immigration.

So now you know that just one year of refugee migration (disregarding last year's 200,000 and the next years' potential to even dwarf this year's number) may very well be larger than the current population of this city:

However, what of their kids?  By and large, they reproduce quickly and Germans don't.  What can we expect in the future?  One story which was written to get sympathy actually got my ire.  It talked about a family of refugees...a father, two kids, and a pregnant mother.  Now, I highly doubt that both of the two kids are from before the Arab Spring and war in Syria.  My best guess is that they decided to have kids (either actively or because they think a mouth to feed for 18+ years costs less than a pack of condoms).  And what of the little tyke in momma's belly?  As war was raging and Syria was in flames and a hell on earth, mommy and daddy had an idea.  "You know Honey, I think it might be time for one more!"  So many of these people are so irresponsible!  Cockroaches think more before popping out kids.  I'm sorry (that I have to say this...I'm not sorry for what I say), but people who are not responsible do not deserve to be "saved" from the misery that they create.

For the record, I would happily take in any Syrian atheist who did not have a child over the past 3 years.  I would take in Syrian kurds, Christians, Druze, and other minorities that have been persecuted by the majority (and perhaps Alawite minority).  I would also take in those who have spoken out in favor of democracy publicly.  But I would never take in random people who throw rocks and burn stuff when they don't get what they want.  And let's be clear.  What most of them want (including those pictured below) is not freedom from Syria.  They have already achieved it.  They want to live in Germany or the UK.  That is why the Channel Tunnel is clogged with refugees from...France!  That's right...they are escaping from places like France and Serbia (OK, well I can sort of understand Serbia...). I support Hungary and the rest of the Visegrád Group (the Czech Republic, Slovakia, and Poland) for standing up to the imperialist European Union which thinks that it can annul the rights of (hopefully still) sovereign states.



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