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Showing posts from 2016

Breaking News: New Intelligence Shows Institutional Bias In Syria Towards Bashar al-Assad And Brings Up Questions As To The Legitimacy Of His Election Win

Despite claims of being "free, fair, and transparent", new intelligence has come to light showing that the 2014 Syrian election which Bashar al-Assad won had many issues. One bit of information obtained by US intelligence agencies shows that his party heavily favored him in the primary so that his much less hawkish Baathist competitor would not have a chance at defeating him. New intelligence also points to collusion between the Syrian media and Bashar al-Assad. For instance, a member at the largest Syrian news network, SANA, fed him questions that were to be asked at the debate. Other news agencies as well as major Syrian corporations also had extremely close relations with al-Assad. In fact, some of al-Assad's speeches to corporations have been uncovered, where he talks of colluding with them and having to have a public position (for Syrian commoners) and a private position (which is his true position that favors those he colludes with). Needless to say, all of t...

Musings about certain common attitudes on the left before and after Trump’s victory

I just wanted to take some time to jot down my thoughts regarding some of the hypocritical attitudes that I have found within certain leftist circles before and after the election of Donald Trump.  This has gotten quite messy, and it’s not written like an article.  These are just some musings, some of which are quite detached from each other.  I am not making a “point”, as such, except to point out instances when certain people on the left (often called “regressives” at this point) can be as hateful and condescending as those on the right whom they think are on the complete opposite of the spectrum.  If you want to read more about that, then feel free to continue. First, I’ll give a bit of a background to show that I’m not a right-winger.  As I mentioned before, I was a Bernie Sanders supporter from the beginning, and even donated a bit to his campaign.  Bernie was not the perfect candidate, as no candidate is.  Speaking of imperfection, I was par...

The Tolerant Person VS The Bigot

There once was a conversation between a tolerant person and a bigot.  Here is how it went down: A: Have you seen the video "If You Are A Muslim, You Are Retarded!"?  It's spot on. B: Are you serious?  That's hate speech! A: What?  From what they believe, Muslims are proving that they are not intelligent, and their ideas clash with those of the Constitution. B: You're being a total bigot! A: Why?  Muslims respect Muhammad, who had no respect for women and other ethnic groups. B: So you're claiming that a full quarter of the global population is dumb and/or evil? A: Well, maybe not...but don't you see a problem with that mindset? B: Absolutely not.  We should have tolerance for all kinds of people, no matter what they believe. A: Then why did you share that article, "If You Tell Me You Are Supporting Trump, I Already Know Seven Things About You", with some of the things you know about Trump supporters being that they "have no...

Suicide Bomber Commits Terrorism Because Germany "Obstructs" Islam! This is HILARIOUS.  Sometimes you just have to laugh. You might think it's impolite to laugh after a terrorist attack. Well I think it's impolite to have let this man in in the first place. Anyway, this is, like, the fourth German terrorist attack in the past week or so...and not including the two recent terrorist attacks in France (the truck one, and the one killing the priest). The reason I'm laughing, though, is because this story DESTROYS the regressives' entire reason for being...namely that if you are "nice", then people will like you, and if you're "mean" then people will hate you. This is what they cherish more than truth...but truth just punched them in the face. What do I mean? Well get this... The Muslim suicide bomber who pulled this off said that his attack was  "an act of revenge against Germans, because they obstruct Islam."  Wait... Let me get this straight. ...

Not So Nice! Francois Hollande's Hopes Come True!

French President Francois Hollande must be loving this news out of Nice, France!  (Where around 80 have  been killed, and many more maimed for life. Not so "Nice" anymore.) This morning, the public's attention was on his $132,000/yr haircuts! Now, the public's attention is off of this "Socialist"'s complete betrayal of his country, and is fixated on...his complete betrayal of his country... Hey, wait! I guess sometimes, you can't get a break! It must be hard being the president of France! Being a Socialist who pays $132,000 per year for haircuts and doesn't really do anything else of value must be so tough! It's a good thing that the people of France do not care enough to rebel. After all, they will celebrate Bastile Day, commemorating the French Revolution against rulers w...

I Like The Idea Of Microstates.

I have long been a fan of the idea of microstates. I think it lets good ideas flourish. You need to focus on those people who live within the same city or small number of cities, instead of focusing on how people feel 3,000 km away...whom you will never meet outside of some national campaign. The UAE could have been part of Saudi Arabia. Kuwait could have been part of Iraq. Singapore could have been part of Malaysia. I'd be for an independent Bali. I'm certainly for an independent Kurdistan. The UN lists the countries with the highest GDP per capita as Monaco, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Qatar, Norway, Macau, and Bermuda. Of those, only Norway is a relatively large country. But even Norway just has a bit over 5 million people. Macau and Bermuda aren't even full-fledged countries, but they act as microstates. The richest country in Africa appears to be the Seychelles...a small island nation which also has the smallest population of any African nation. It seems that more c...

Social Justice Warriors Are Ruining the Left.

It is really strange. When I joined Google+, I thought I would be writing about liberal ideas. Now, for those skimming through my posts, they might mistake me for a far-right conservative. I haven't changed that much, but I have been getting more and more fed up with what a very large percentage of "liberals" appear to be in this day and age. This group is often referred to as "Social Justice Warriors" (SJWs) and "regressive leftists". They are a group who will fight for almost any group that is a minority in the West (no matter if the group is conservative to the point of fascism). About the only minorities they won't fight for (and actively harass) are the minorities within the minorities...such as black conservatives (= Uncle Toms), Middle Eastern critics of Islam, etc. The SJWs are an extremely hypocritical bunch, and while far-right conservatives definitely represent a grave threat, this brand of liberal is no less dangerous, as they...

Google's Love of a Racial Separatist, Communist, Terrorist-supporting Islamist.

It looks like Google has gone full Social Justice Warrior (SJW) on us. I often like looking up information about Google Doodles to find out more about the person pictured. ( ) Well, here are some quotes from Wikipedia (and some of my comments) concerning what I found out about Yuri Kochiyama: "She is notable as one of the few prominent non-black Black separatists. Influenced by Marxism, Maoism, and the thoughts of Malcolm X, she was an advocate for many revolutionary movements." Interestingly enough, if Marxism and Maoism had gotten a foothold, there would be no Google today at all. "Then, they moved to New York in 1948, had six children, and lived in public housing for the next twelve years." Isn't it always the case that those who hate the system the most are the ones who irresponsibly procreate and live in public housing that is subsidized by the taxpayer? "Kochiyama in the mid-1960s joined the Revolutionary Action Mo...

Inconvenient History – The Barbary Slave Trade

Once upon a time, slavers ravaged the coastal towns of the European continent. Eventually, the response to that would include clear proof that the United States is not founded on a religion. Soon thereafter, European imperialism would become the driving force for the abolition of slavery around the world. Continue reading to learn more. The Barbary Slave Trade is a relatively small part of the Arab Slave Trade, which itself is only one part of the Islamic Slave Trade (which besides Arab slavers, includes Turks enslaving Europeans and Africans, Muslim invaders of India and Sub-Saharan Africa, Malay enslavers of local minorities, and other Islamic slavers). For example, the Arab Slave Trade may have enslaved up to 18 million people over its span (not including those born enslaved), while the Barbary Slave Trade enslaved some number over 1 million. Bear in mind that this number is three times the number of enslaved people (roughly 388 thousand) sent to the area of the United Sta...

My Questions as a Christian

When I was a Christian, I still had some semblance of logic.  I had questions, but they were never answered in any coherent way that would make the answers seem fair.  That definitely pushed me towards atheism, although I don't remember an exact moment of transition.  Anyway, here are two questions I had when I was a Christian: 1) Will pets (like the family cat) go to heaven? The answer I got was, "Yes."  I asked if animals go to heaven, and the answer was something like animals don't usually go to heaven, but my pet cat would go to heaven because it was something I wanted there, and God would give me whatever I wanted.  I don't think I said more, but I felt that was an incredibly unfair system, because my cat would be equally deserving to go to heaven even if she didn't have a human family that wanted it in heaven.  (Note that an answer of "No" would have also been incredibly unfair as well.) 2) Did Native Americans and other unreachable peopl...

Using Sub-par Marytrs

This might come a little late, and it may be controversial (which isn't new for me), but I wanted to mention how I try to treat everyone the same in similar circumstances.  When police officers kill or otherwise hurt or harass people who did nothing wrong (or perhaps did something very minor), then I take issue and want them prosecuted to the full extent of the law.  However, when people commit crimes and then resist arrest, especially in a dangerous fashion, then I do not shed a tear when they are shot and killed. Such is the case with both Michael Brown (of Ferguson, who committed robbery and later wrestled with a cop for his gun, and after the gun went off and he fled, he again confronted the officer) and LaVoy Finicum (who illegally took over public property, said he would rather die then go to jail - that worked out for him! - and pretended to surrender to officers only to reach for his gun). When I see an outpouring of support for people like these, I wonder if the popul...