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Google's Love of a Racial Separatist, Communist, Terrorist-supporting Islamist.

It looks like Google has gone full Social Justice Warrior (SJW) on us. I often like looking up information about Google Doodles to find out more about the person pictured. ( Well, here are some quotes from Wikipedia (and some of my comments) concerning what I found out about Yuri Kochiyama: "She is notable as one of the few prominent non-black Black separatists. Influenced by Marxism, Maoism, and the thoughts of Malcolm X, she was an advocate for many revolutionary movements." Interestingly enough, if Marxism and Maoism had gotten a foothold, there would be no Google today at all. "Then, they moved to New York in 1948, had six children, and lived in public housing for the next twelve years." Isn't it always the case that those who hate the system the most are the ones who irresponsibly procreate and live in public housing that is subsidized by the taxpayer? "Kochiyama in the mid-1960s joined the Revolutionary Action Movement, a clandestine revolutionary nationalist organization which was one of the first organizations in the black liberation movement to attempt to construct a revolutionary nationalism based on a synthesis of the thought of Malcolm X, Marx, Lenin, and Mao Tse Tung. She was one of the few non-blacks invited to join the Republic of New Africa (RNA), established in 1968 and which advocated the establishment of a separate black nation in the U.S South. Kochiyama joined, and subsequently sided with an RNA faction that felt that the need to build a separate black nation was even more important than the struggle for civil rights in Northern cities." I am just repeating it, as it is so absurd, but Google is promoting someone who believed in black separatism, which is complete segregation of races, and thinks that Vladimir Lenin and Mao Zedong are role models. "In 1971, Kochiyama secretly converted to Sunni Islam, and began travelling to the Sankore mosque in Greenhaven prison, Stormville, New York, to study and worship with Imam Rasul Suleiman." Uh-oh. She has shown her cards. "Kochiyama was a friend and supporter of Assata Shakur, an African-American activist and member of the former Black Liberation Army (BLA), who has been convicted of several crimes including first-degree murder before escaping from U.S. prison and receiving asylum in Cuba. She stated that to her Shakur was like 'the female Malcolm [X] or the female Mumia [Abu-Jamal].'" Poor oppressed murderer! She needs our help! "Kochiyama also travelled to Peru to gather support for Abimael Guzman, leader of the Shining Path, which is classified by the Peruvian government, the U.S., the European Union, and Canada as a terrorist organization and has been widely condemned for its brutality, including violence deployed against peasants, trade union organizers, popularly elected officials and the general civilian population. Kochiyama stated '[t]he more I read, the more I came to completely support the revolution in Peru.'" Nothing more really needs to be said. It speaks for itself. "Kochiyama also supported Yu Kikumura, an alleged member of the Japanese Red Army, who was arrested in Schiphol Airport in Amsterdam in 1986 when he was found carrying a bomb in his luggage and subsequently convicted of planning to bomb a US Navy recruitment office in the Veteran's Administration building. Kochiyama felt Kikumura's 30-year sentence was motivated by his political activism."
This, too.
"In 2005, Kochiyama was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize through the “1,000 Women for the Nobel Peace Prize 2005” project." Information for you, lest you trust the committee for the Nobel Peace Prize. "In response to the United States' actions following the September 11 attacks in 2001, Kochiyama stated that 'the goal of the war [on terrorism] is more than just getting oil and fuel. The United States is intent on taking over the world' and 'it's important we all understand that the main terrorist and the main enemy of the world's people is the U.S. government.' Yes... The same US government that gave her her public housing. Anyway, finally, I will give you one more quote, just in case you haven't made your mind up about this woman whom Google adores... "In 2003, while being interviewed by Tamara Kil Ja Kim Nopper, Kochiyama said '... I consider Osama bin Laden as one of the people that I admire. To me, he is in the category of Malcolm X, Che Guevara, Patrice Lumumba, Fidel Castro, all leaders that I admire.... You asked, 'Should freedom fighters support him?' Freedom fighters all over the world, and not just in the Muslim world, don’t just support him; they revere him; they join him in battle. He is no ordinary leader or an ordinary Muslim.'"


2016-05-19 Google Doodle:

Wikipedia page on Yuri Kochiyama:

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